Just a mom/daughter C25K training team in Louisville.
Powered With Pride Run/Walk, presented by Humana Vitality, returns to Louisville's Pride Weekend line-up in 2014 after an incredibly successful inaugural event in June 2013.
Spring is here! Participating in a 5K is a great way to get out and explore Louisville while getting your grind on!
it's the weekend before Christmas! Commence panicking now.
Move it, Santa. It's race time.
Who doesn't want to get down and dirty in the mud with other women for a good cause?
The Louisville Sports Commission's Fall Runathon has been finalized with three races that get longer as the season continues.
Walk or run your way Throo the Zoo this weekend and enjoy a 5K with yhe family (strollers welcome!)
If you are one of the delusional about to doze off into a turkey-coma, lulled by the comfort that your 2am Black Friday power shopping will negate the cornucopia of calories consumed at dinner- let me step in and offer a quick reality check, along with some winter race suggestions!
Have a very merry, and sweaty, Christmas with a 5k that benefits Louisville's homeless community- not to mention that there is an eggnog challenge and Christmas costume contest. Who could pass up this amount of Christmas spirit?
Saturday morning saw the annual Louisville half marathon and 5K, and I was in the middle of it.
The Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk came into Louisville on Sunday, to a massive success.
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