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    In light of summer box office domination with titles like Captain America:  The Winter Soldier, The Amazing Spiderman 2, X-Men:  Days of Future Past, and Guardians of the Galaxy’s, I think we can all agree that Marvel and all of its characters need to be knocked down a rung or two.  And that is exactly what the crew over at Young Dumb and Full of Comedy plan to do tonight with The Roast of Spiderman.

    Tonight will be the cast’s fourth and final performance of the show, so this might be your last chance to see dais comprised of folks like Stan Lee, Venom, Doc Oc, and Aunt Mae all taking shots at their favorite web-slinging high school outcast.  The shows have always been raucous and wild, with absolutely no filter.  If you think they won’t say it, I can guarantee you they will.  Chicago based comic Tyler Jackson will be on-hand, along with local comedians Kent Carney, Patrick Passafiume, and Mark Parris, just to name a few will be appearing on-stage to take jabs at Spidey.

    Show is at 10 PM @ The Bard’s Town, and tickets are $15.

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    About Brent Owen

    Born and raised in Louisville, I have lived here most of my life (except during a short furlough, when I, lovelorn and naive, followed a girl to Baton Rouge). My roots are here, my family, my friends, and my life are all here. I work primarily as a free-lance writer for a few local and regional publications. I have also written two books (one a memoir, the other a novel) that barring some divine intervention, will probably never see the light of day. I find myself deeply ingrained in the local bar scene, or perhaps better said, I often indulge in the local drinking culture. I love music, movies, comedy, and really just about any other live performance art.

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