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    It's always nice to know that others out there share yours interests, but it is even better to see all of those people in one place sharing their enthusiasms and collections with one another! States and cities have expositions for those interested in cult classic television, comic books, video-games, film, and much much more; and Louisville has another group of enthusiasts ready to celebrate their common interest at the FlipnKicks Sneaker Expo. 

    FlipnKicks Sneaker Expo is Louisville's premier sneaker and street-wear convention that aims to unite sneaker lovers from all Kentucky in one mighty sneaker-fest! Scheduled to take place on 2715 Fern Valley Road on May 16th between 12p.m and 6p.m the expo has a $10 general admission fee or a $20 fee for those who wish to set up tables and sell or showcase their beloved collections. The expo is asking that anyone who desires a table have the table paid for by April 1st, but also greatly encourage others who simply wish to admire what others have been able to build up over the years to stop on by, and of course they support trading and buying! As large of a following that their Facebook and Instagram pages seem to have you are sure to find something to your liking, you just have to hope that it's for sale! 

    Everyone has something they find interesting or entertaining, important or deserving of passion, and it is a wonderful thing to see people come together and share common interest with people they may have otherwise never have met, so go on down if you've got the time and take a look at all the different items people have collected over the years; see the world through someone else's eyes.

    Keep Louisville friendly, keep Louisville diverse, keep Louisville kicking!  

    Image via Flipnkick Facebook page

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    About Gage Troutman

    I am a lover of writing and all things literature as I have been since a very young age. My works range from novels to poetry and everything beyond or between, though there are pieces I am not the proudest of. I have a lovely partner, amazing family, and eight erratic, excitable dogs that couldn't be more like children if they were completely hairless and stood on two legs. Do not let me fool you though, I am basically your average person who is a bit obsessive over video games and anything with a good story. If you like the articles go ahead and check out my other works on and go ahead and add me on Facebook if you'd like!

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