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      When first visiting Louisville I was struck by the illustrations covering buildings, fence posts, and street curbs.  Some of it was created with paint pallets, and others with spray paint (it’s not to hard to play ‘Where’s Waldo’ with ‘OPM’ tags). The lines between art and graffiti, or other street arts, is more blurred now than ever before with commercial galleries opening their arms, and wallets, to street art. Louisville artist and curator Danial Pfalzgraf is bringing this concept to the city with his upcoming show "LoCAL.streets." 
      "LoCAL.streets" aims to exhibit works that illustrate a reaction to or a reflection of the city, and Pfalzgraf has quite a reputation of understanding art, especially the Louisville scene. Pfalzgraf curates under the name the Louisville Contemporary Art Lounge, or LoCAL., and premiered "LoCAL.portraits" last year.  That show exhibited 17 influential local artists to great reviews.
      In his last show, ‘Oil and Water Don’t Mix,’ Pfalzgraf painted with motor oil because, upon hearing of exorbitant gas prices, noted that in 100 years it would be the equivalent of using gold flakes. It seems like his eye for linking the urban and common place, or just dirty, with the artistic dates back before the conception of LoCAL.streets.

      "LoCAL.streets" will feature 20 artists from the Louisville area, as well as out of state. The show will be held at the Muhammad Ali Center from Friday, February 4, until Saturday, April 30. There will be an opening reception on February 4 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. in conjunction with the First Friday Trolley Hop.

    Photo: Piece by a LoCAL.streets' featured artist James Doiron, courtesy Daniel Pfalzgraf

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