The Monkey Wrench will host the opening reception for More Questions Than Answers this Friday, March 16th, at 7:30 p.m. The solo art exhibit will showcase the work of Jeremy Dixon, a Louisville artist and teacher.
Louisville music group "Son of the Widow" invited to perform in Estonia.
Opening reception for art show Bridges over Bearno's is this Friday at Bearno's by the Bridge at 9 p.m.
Local artist Andy Cook's provocative work makes its showing at The Bodega at Felice. A must-see on this Friday's Trolley Hop.
Exhibit combines 10 new artists with 10 who've had showed at the first two Unconscious Collectives
School of Metaphysics leads interactive event at Amazing Grace Whole Foods and Nutrition
Month-long art exhibit opens tonight at Derby City Espresso
Kentucky Bluegrass Music Festival takes place Saturday and Sunday at the Water Tower