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    Oh Craigslist. You are weird, you are wacky, and you are wonderful. Here are some of the more interesting posts from Craigslist posters in the Louisville area this past week. Enjoy!

    You are my professor. 

    "...But I glanced across the lab and you were staring right at me, in between everyone, looking right at me.." - I think someone is getting an A this semester. *winky face*

    A free rooster.

    Because just when you forget that you live in Kentucky, a Barred Rock rooster is for sale online.

    To my husband.

    Don't get me wrong, this is actually really sad. BUT, this woman is reaching out to her husband to discuss fixing their marriage... on Craigslist. Has she tried everything else? Is Craigslist really the last shot at connecting with him? To be continued on the next week of "This week in Louisville, on Craigslist." (I think we have a shot at creating a soap opera.)


    Just when you thought the student and the professor would never find love, he writes back. But, this professor may be a ladies man. "By the way, which of the labs are we talking about?" 

    Wherefore art thou shorty with the blinged-out booty jeans.

    "I wished you would have lingered when you took my salad plate." O, Romeo!...

    6-foot-2 mannequin male in a tuxedo.

    Because lets be honest, who isn't looking for one of these? Thank you, Craigslist.

    Until next week, Louisville!

    Alexis Messmer's picture

    About Alexis Messmer

    2015 University of Louisville graduate. All things social media, marketing, writing, sneakers, photography, music, and a whole lot of coffee.

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