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    Oh Craigslist. You are weird, you are wacky, and you are wonderful. Here are some of the more interesting posts from Craigslist posters in the Louisville area this past week. Enjoy!

    Hey mailman.

    "You hand delivered my mail to me today. We made strong eye contact..." Spicy. 

    Ladies, don’t waste your time looking in the bars…

    Come hang out with this cowboy. Warning: Pictures are very blurry and may or may not be real. The beauty of Craigslist.

    Do you like clowns?

    How about an entire collection of Emmett Kelly Jr. miniatures? That’s 40 plus clown figurines... for only $1,000. You couldn't pay me that much to have 40 clowns in my home. 

    A free No Parking, Fire Lane sign.

    There is no exaggeration when I say you can find anything on Craigslist. This week it is a No Parking Fire Lane sign. Don't worry, though, it's decommissioned. Totally legal to put in front of your house.

    Budweiser can shaped slippers.

    A "very rare" pair of Budweiser can shaped slippers. The perfect accessory for going to Walmart at midnight.

    Until next week, Louisville!

    Alexis Messmer's picture

    About Alexis Messmer

    2015 University of Louisville graduate. All things social media, marketing, writing, sneakers, photography, music, and a whole lot of coffee.

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