Oh Craigslist. You are weird, you are wacky, and you are wonderful. Here are some of the more interesting posts from Craigslist posters in the Louisville area this past week. Enjoy!
"He comes with too many years, too many issues, and too many miles on his teetered out peeter." I AM LAUGHING SO HARD.
You might want to stick around for this one.. It’s turning in to a soap opera with the mystery man replying.
Looking for my passenger from Uber.
"I picked you up this morning and could not believe how pretty you are. Your eyes made me weak in the knees." I wonder how many relationships have started following an Uber ride?
This employee obviously hasn't finished reading his employee handbook yet...You aren't supposed to have the hots for your boss... Or at least, you're not supposed to write about it on Craigslist. This is going to end with someone crying in the Human Resources office.
Ebony Goddess at World Market.
"Let me know what color hoodie I had on. I hope to hear from you, my Ebony Goddess." You stock those Christmas items, girl.
Sorry I let the door slam in your face.
"I'm sorry I let the door go this morning as you were leaving the gas station."
Until next week, Louisville!