Oh Craigslist. You are weird, you are wacky, and you are wonderful. Here are some of the more interesting posts from Craigslisters in the Louisville area this past week. Enjoy!
Perfect for when it’s impossible to get your extremely intoxicated friend to leave the infield. Load them up and wheel them out. Let’s roll!
Because heavy drinking all day is bound to make you a bit sleepy (and awesome.) Wear this pillow like an accessory and take power naps at your convenience. Boom!
Crowd surfing on a pool float? Yes, I think so.
Is there really time to rest between Oaks and Derby day? I didn't think so. Place these mats in the parking lot, bring a few blankets and voilà; you never have to leave.
Will we ever find the mystery woman with luscious black hair in pink and denim?
Until next week, Louisville! Have a crazy and safe Derby!