Oh Craigslist. You are weird, you are wacky, and you are wonderful. Here are some of the more interesting posts from Craigslist posters in the Louisville area this past week. Enjoy!
Cosmic Connection in the Cereal aisle.
I was so drawn to this posting. What is a cosmic connection? So, I read further. “I was reading the ingredients on the back of the gluten free organic cereal box when your hand brushed passed me and grabbed the organic oatmeal just above my head. You smelled of sandalwood and patchouli.” WHO IS THIS POETIC GENIUS?
Is apparently a thing around here. And when they happen, the connectors run to Craigslist to attempt to find their beloved.
So fancy. So décor. 20 inches of nekkid mermaid that would look great illuminating your living room.
Awkward dog may or may not be included. The poster doesn’t specify so it’s fair game.
"We exchanged smiles. Sorry for staring. You are a very pretty lady. P.S. You left the toy." Will this Prince Charming find his Cinderella who's missing her happy meal toy? I sure hope so.
Until next week, Louisville!