Oh Craigslist. You are weird, you are wacky, and you are wonderful. Here are some of the more interesting posts from Craigslist posters in the Louisville area this past week. Enjoy!
Women in sleeveless tops.
“To ANY woman who wears her sleeveless tops that show those sexy biceps I applaud you! Want to meet for a drink? Reply to me with "GUNS" in the subject line.” LOLOL what is this?!
Dawn, can I bet your sunset?
“You grabbed some garbage bags. I thought you were cumming out for me to get a better look at you. But I couldn't wait any longer.” Oh yeah, this man is so dreamy.
5 gallon buckets of laundry detergent.
This is a hoarders dream. Multiple 5 gallon buckets of laundry detergent, hand soap and fabric softener. Does not specify what it is made out of.
A Chic-Fil-A cow rocking horse.
"It's a great rocking horse but with all the wonderful features of a cow, from the tail, udders, ears, etc." TAKE ALL OF MY MONEY. MY PLEASURE!
A s$#t ton of Nemo's.
Just in time for 'Finding Dory', get you an aquarium full of saltwater clown fish. "Okay, I'm thinking of something orange, and it's small..."
Until next week, Louisville!
Image: Craigslist