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    California Guitar Trio played Zanzabar - and rocked it out
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    Speaking from personal experience, The California Guitar Trio (CGT) is as good as they were the last time I saw them, at Glassworks and will be the next time I see them and I will see them.  Zanzabar hosted the CGT and Sandpaper Dolls for a super duper good time.  The house was lying in wait for these gents to take the stage following a fantastic a capella set by The Sandpaper Dolls. The Dolls warmed up the crowd with smooth voices in harmony and could be heard from the front of the house. 

    This was my first time to see The Sandpaper Dolls, a group of three very talented women whose music, “politely informs us that our expectations will be of little use”, as noted on their lovely website.  The ladies think more of themselves than an a capella group, and draw upon countless influences such as Jazz and Gospel.  The audience sat in silence during their set so every ounce of soul touching sound could be heard.  “Their voices take you to another place”, commented the gentlemen next to me.

    The amazing and original sounds from The Sandpaper Dolls left an impression as CGT readied themselves for the show.  The audience gathered in from a quick break of food and adult beverages to claim seats for the Trio.  I chatted with the group prior to the show and they are the nicest people on the planet. Paul Richards is an amazing guitarist. He made sounds with his guitar that will forever be remembered by anyone who attends a show.  Bert Lams played so fast, so eloquently, every note perfect. Hideyo Moriva effortlessly moved his hand to each fret, on cue, leaving the crowd in awe.  The Trio captivated the audience with the fantastic attention to detail. They started songs together, ended them together, and made me want to take guitar lessons. 

    The solidarity of the music enthralled the ears and probably made our brains turn upside down.  Every note played was done so with heart and meaning.  The CGT’s original tunes held more than music; there was a personal application, inspired by something, someplace, or someone.  The next time The California Guitar Trio is in or near Louisville – GO!

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    About Allison Ray

    I am a big fan of Louisville and the diverse culture we enjoy in terms of the arts and entertainment. I love attending local events, taking pictures of almost anything, and relaxing at home with a good book!

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