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    Two Louisville Titans decided to combine ethereal forces for the better good of our fair city. Thanks to The Comfy Cow and Old 502 Winery, now you don’t have to choose between cravings.  Cue a musical montage of ice cream cones and wine glasses dancing. It’s the start of a happy month of June indeed.

    This exciting collaboration churned the fabulous new flavor of Old 502 Sangria Ice Cream: a base of "Bourbon Barrel Red" ice cream with juicy peaches, succulent blackberries, and sweet basil. My thoughts on basil: It makes everything better. Maybe it’s the missing link to world peace; we’ll never know. But if that’s the case, Comfy Cow and Old 502 are bringing us one libation-laden spoonful closer to joy to the world.  

    Old 502 Winery

    Be forewarned: The deliciousness factor of Old 502 Sangria Ice Cream is not for the fainthearted. You’ll look at the unassuming, stunningly creamy sangria-in-a-scoop, and you’ll think, “What a lovely treat.” Comfy Cow ice cream typically merits mega-watt smiles, just by nature. But you won’t be prepared for how velvety sangria can be when it’s in frozen majesty. You might not anticipate how the sweet basil adds just the right pop of ravenous zest. It won’t even occur to you that the peaches and blackberries serve as the ideal fruits of creative alliance.

    Fruit in wine? It’s the power punch of sangria. The way the fruit soaks up all the goodness of the pick-me-up. Yet, fruit in ice cream also has long been a scrumptious go-to for the frozen treats we simply must have. It’s an exquisite coalition and smart for The Comfy Cow and Old 502 to come together, right now, over the fresh link of peaches and blackberries galore.

    I can personally attest to the wonder of this ice cream. It’s the most innocent, and simultaneously luscious cocktail I have devoured to date. All thanks to two of my favorite establishments that help make the Louisville foodie scene a staple in this country.

    Old 502 Sangria Ice Cream will be available at The Comfy Cow through June as long as supplies last. Also, make sure to try this new flavor tonight and Sunday at The Flea Off Market. It’ll be worth the wine-infused bite.

    Moral of the story about this supremely fantastic meet-cute of ice cream and wine. The Comfy Cow and Old 502 Winery: The two soulmates that you never realized belonged together; but it was instant love at first bite. Prepare to fall into the beautiful wonderland of this collaboration; and never look back! 

    Cover Photo: Courtesy of The Comfy Cow; Second Photo: Courtesy of Old 502 Winery's facebook; Third Photo: Courtesy of The Comfy Cow

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    About Julie Lamb

    Curly-haired owner of one massive sweet tooth, believer of Harry Potter and Disney fairytales, and a fierce lover of all things literary and the arts.

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