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    National Engineers Week at Kentucky Science Center
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    How better to mark National Engineers Week than with some real-life engineers? This Thursday, Friday and Saturday, The Kentucky Science Center is showing its support for how engineers affect and improve all aspects of our lives and digging into the details. Kids and adults who are interested in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) will have an opportunity to Skype with a NASA scientist, and discover how rockets take flight, among other activities.

    Engineers from Lexmark, C&I Engineering, Stantec, Donan Engineering, Grote Industries, the University of Louisville and others will be on hand to answer questions about engineering and the work they do.

    Admission for the National Engineers Week activities is included with general admission to the Science Center. Also at the Science Center right now is the remodeled REUSEapalooza exhibit on food, water, land and energy sustainability.

    The Engineering Week activities will be offered:

    Thursday and Friday, February 26 - 27, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
    Saturday, February 28, 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

    Call 502-561-6100 for more information.

    The Kentucky Science Center is located at 727 West Main Street.

    Photo: Shutterstock Copyright: Sergey Ogaryov

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    About Kachina Shaw

    A transplanted Hawkeye, I've now lived in Louisville longer than any other city. Can't live without: my husband and fur babies, coal-black coffee, peanut M&Ms, sunflowers, monthly vacations, books, walking paths, massage and a big purse.

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