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    Do You Have a Burger Recipe Worthy of the Kentucky Derby Festival Name?
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    Burger lovers, cooks, chefs, grill masters and creative foodies should get in on the annual Kentucky Derby Festival Derby Burger contest. It’s easy to enter and you could walk away with a ton of Derby-related prizes. Plus, bragging rights, of course. (Note: This is a contest for a BEEF burger. The Kentucky Beef Council is sponsoring, so they get to define what a burger is in this case.)

    Now through March 9, you can submit your recipe to the KDF. Then, eight preliminary finalists will be chosen. The public will vote on the recipes on the KDF Facebook page from March 12 to 18. The final four from that round will continue on to the March 23 cookoff. Judges will taste the finalists' burgers and choose the winner live on WDRB in the Morning.

    More exposure for the creator of the winning burger recipe will come in the form of samples at the April 30 Beerfest and recipe displays at Kroger stores in Louisville and Lexington.

    Now, what does a winning burger win? A lot of great stuff:

    4 tickets to a concert at Kroger’s Fest-a-Ville
    4 VIP tickets to Thunder Over Louisville
    2 tickets to BeerFest at Kroger’s Fest-a-Ville
    $100 gift certificate to Kroger
    Featured as the Local Legendary Burger May 2015 at Hard Rock Café Louisville
    Featured inside Louisville and Lexington Kroger stores, including the recipe ingredients and recipe card.
    Featured samples inside Kroger’s Fest-a-Ville at the Kentucky Derby Festival BeerFest, April 29th.
    A grilling prize pack from the Kentucky Beef Council

    Photo: Kentucky Derby Festival

    Kachina Shaw's picture

    About Kachina Shaw

    A transplanted Hawkeye, I've now lived in Louisville longer than any other city. Can't live without: my husband and fur babies, coal-black coffee, peanut M&Ms, sunflowers, monthly vacations, books, walking paths, massage and a big purse.

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