Over the past couple of days a tournament has been raging a tournament for local high school mascot supremacy!
In honor of football season high school mascots have been competing in one on one contests in four different brackets.
The winners in each bracket will go on to face each other in the championship of the event, so far three of the four mascots have made their way to the final four from Doss High School, the Dragon, from St. X the Tiger, and from Christian Academy of Louisville, the Centurion. Keep in mind each of these mascots battle with no consideration given to the individual schools or even their athletics, this is purely about the strength of each mascot.
And, with that preamble, the final mascot will be determined based on this fourth and final bracket: mascots from outlying counties surrounding Louisville. These are mascots that are in the Louisville area but are in neighboring towns.
Bullitt East High School Charger vs. Bullitt Central High School Cougar
In this inner-county conflict Bullitt East’s Charger, represented by a horse, goes against Bullitt Central’s Cougar. A cunning mascot Bullitt East’s Charger waits for the Cougar to pass, quickly moving in and claiming a victory.
Winner: Bullitt East Charger
North Bullitt Eagle vs. Spencer County Bear
That age old battle of Eagle vs. Bear. Now, the Eagle can attempt the swoop down tactic and that works for small animals however a bear is well, I mean it’s a bear.
Winner: Spencer County Bear
Shelby County High School Rocket vs. North Oldham High School Mustang
How many horse power is in a rocket do you think?
Winner: Shelby County High School Rocket
Oldham County High School Colonel vs. South Oldham High School Dragon
You might say to yourself, this is a no-brainer were dealing with a Dragon here! And, at the end of the day isn’t a colonel just a guy good at frying chicken? Well, to that let me say, if that’s really what you thought maybe you need to pick up a book on colonels. In any case the Colonel surprisingly wins this one, not because he’s stronger or faster, but because he calls up a massive army and leads them into destroying the Dragon Gen. Patton style.
Winner: Oldham County High School Colonel
Henry County High School Patriot vs. Trimble County High School Raider
A raider vs. a patriot, however the raider is represented by a cowboy riding a horse, the patriot doesn’t have a horse; I’m sorry but guy with horse beats guy with no horse every time.
Winner: Trimble County High School Raider
Tomorrow this bracket’s battles rage on as the Bullitt East Charger takes on the Spencer County Bear and the Shelby County Rocket battles the Trimble County Raider.
Image courtesy of Free Clip Art