- "Democratic mayoral candidate Greg Fischer said Tuesday that he will make Louisville Metro Government more accessible by moving most services online and by keeping city offices open for flexible hours, including some nights and weekends. But Republican Hal Heiner’s campaign responded that Fischer lifted a few of those ideas from Heiner’s proposals, which were made prior to the May 18 primary election." [Courier-Journal]
- "Kentucky may not lead the nation in any other business categories, but the Bluegrass state is a major player in the illicit gun business, according to a new study. Mayors Against Illegal Guns research – drawn on data from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives – indicates that Kentucky is the No. 3 state in exporting guns used in domestic crimes." [Insider Louisville]
- "The Comfy Cow is coming to a neighborhood near you. After months of
litigation over a decaying house on Frankfort Avenue, Frank Faris is
selling his house and the Genny's Diner property to Tim and Roy
Koons-McGee, owners of the Comfy Cow, a local ice cream and sweeet
treats shop." [Louisville.com] - "With both candidates for mayor pitching smart phone applications, it should be mentioned that there once was a Louisville iPhone app." [WFPL]
Photo: Courtesy Louisville Metro Government