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    • "Republican U.S. Senate nominee Rand Paul claims in a new TV ad that he does not support higher deductibles for Medicare and that his Democratic rival, Jack Conway, is 'deliberately distorting' his views on the issue. But Conway has released a video that shows Paul repeatedly suggesting that there should be a $2,000 deductible for Medicare patients." [Bluegrass Politics]
    • "Independent Louisville mayoral candidate and public transportation advocate Jackie Green has released a concise yet scathing attack on his opponents via an email blast sent out earlier today. In it, Green offered harsh criticism of both Republican Metro Councilman Hal Heiner, R-19, and Democrat Greg Fischer." [LEO Weekly]
    • "New report pegs Louisville dead last in regional economic health. Good thing we’re building a $238 million taxpayer-funded shrine to the gods of false progress, eh?" [LEO Weekly]
    • "Democrat Tina Ward-Pugh and Republican Patrick Duerr both say they want to help improve the economy in Louisville and promote job growth, but at a forum Monday evening the candidates for the 9th District Metro Council seat offered different ideas on how to accomplish those goals. Ward-Pugh said she favored more public improvements in business corridors to enhance the business climate and help retain jobs. Duerr said government should more aggressively recruit new businesses in conjunction with Greater Louisville Inc. and provide more incentives to existing businesses to hire people." [Courier-Journal]

    Photo: Courtesy Medicare

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