- "Long out-gunned by the Kentucky coal industry’s political connections, the non-profit group Kentuckians for the Commonwealth said Friday it has created a new political action committee focused on coal and energy. Leaders acknowledged that they won’t be able to match coal industry money flowing into election campaigns, but the New Power PAC will start with $100,000 of seed money from KFTC dues, Communications Director Jerry Hardt said." [Bluegrass Politics]
- Watch the Courier-Journal's editorial board interview mayoral candidates Greg Fischer at 10 a.m. and Hal Heiner at 11 a.m. [Courier-Journal]
- "Come celebrate the life and work of Hunter S. Thompson at The Monkey Wrench Oct. 16. They’re calling it the First Annual Gonzo Fest, although Flying Dog Brewery has been doing them for a few years now. But it’s the first in Louisville, damn it, and that’s what matters, because here’s where it should be, right?" [LEO Weekly]
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