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    • "In a spirited debate on statewide and national television Monday night, Democrat Jack Conway and Republican Rand Paul accused each other of misrepresenting their views on issues ranging from civil rights to a national sales tax in their race for the U.S. Senate." [Bluegrass Politics]
    • "A activist apparently trying to get close to U.S. Senate candidate Rand Paul on Monday either fell or was tripped, and witnesses said she was either kicked in the head or had her head stepped on, according to Lexington police." [Bluegrass Politics]
    • "According to data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau, Louisville is the 6th dumbest city in the country, based upon the percentage of our population that hold college degrees. The census reports only 25 percent of Louisvillians are college educated. No wonder we’re always talking about high school football rivalries in this town." [LEO Weekly]
    • "So how could two media outlets [LEO Weekly and the Courier-Journal] investigate the same situation [Jackie Green's endorsement of Greg Fischer] and end up with different results? The answer is one that draws us into journalism’s persistent quandaries of anonymous sources and the costs of access. The reporters who did the investigating have discussed their process in The Edit’s comment section." [WFPL]
    • "In an about-face, South End trailer park king Chris Thieneman endorsed his former Republican mayoral opponent today during a media event described as a 'near disaster' by insiders." [The Valley Report]

    Photo: Louisville Magazine

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