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    Friday proved to be a day for the kids, with hundreds of elementary schools sending students to spend a day at the fair. I spent much of the day in the South Wing, where there was plenty for kids to see and do and eat. They have a Kidz Biz stage set up with shows scheduled throughout the day as well as a section with a variety of smaller animals for the kids to get up close and personal. There is  also a "Safety Town" set up where kids can learn traffic safety on tricycles. What's nice about having a wing like this set up, is that one doesn't have to go outside or venture farther than one wants to while still having access to some of the things that make a state fair a state fair. Things like animals, quilting, art work, booths promoting the many counties of Kentucky and the food. I was tempted to try the fried chocolate chip cookie dough but I stuck with my standard of choice, a funnel cake with tons of sugar. Though I'd never been to the Ky State Fair before, I thought the experience was fun and interesting and made me eager to go back later in the day to finish seeing the sights.

    Photo by Tarsha Stith

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    About Tarsha Stith

    Recent transplant to Louisville from San DIego, CA ...

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