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    Hot Brown on a Stick at the Fair Anyone?
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    How much does the unique food at the Kentucky State Fair play into your plans and your budget? This year, you might want to increase what you’ve allotted to spend on those creative noshes because Larry Siovori and his Sivorsi Catering company will bring you the Hot Brown on a Stick starting Thursday as the gates to the Kentucky Expo Center open to let in the cheering masses.

    The Fair has many deep fried culinary delights including the now familiar funnel cakes and elephant ears as well as more exotic palate teasers like the donut burger and deep fried Kool-Aid.

    This year, the 50th anniversary that Sivorsi Catering has enchanted Fair food fans, something extra special is coming: a Kentucky themed venue that will reside right in front of Freedom Hall. There, you’ll find Deep Fried Derby Pie so good that it got a mention in Conde Nast Traveler.

    Additionally, the venue will be introducing a Louisville staple with a twist -- the Hot Brown on a stick. This may have you and other fair goers wondering how to get all that legendary deliciousness on a single stick.

    To explain, let’s go back to what a Hot Brown is. Back in 1926, Fred Schmidt created the Kentucky Hot Brown while working at the Brown Hotel. The legend goes that it was created as a variation on a dish called Welsh Rabbit. What Schmidt did was put together turkey and bacon and spread Mornay sauce on it. Then it baked until the bread is crisp. Other canonical versions include tomatoes, pimentos or ham. That’s where this new culinary infatuation comes in.

    What Sivorsi will do is put chunks of ham, turkey and tomato on a skewer and intertwine the bacon in between. Then, he’ll use a special batter to fry the ingredients and serve it up with Mornay sauce.

    Any guesses as to where the longest food lines at the Fair will be?

    Photo by: Tagstock 1 / Shutterstock

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    About Tim Girton

    Tim Girton writes about University of Louisville sports here at and his love for Louisville continues on his photoblog, called This Is Louisville.

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