If you aren’t familiar with Joe Gomez, you should be. He's only one of the finest jazz guitarists in the Louisville area. He stepped up to be a band leader only three years ago, but has since been performing all over the country, infusing bebop, latin, blues, rock and funk into his very specific brand of jazz.
Besides regional and national touring and regular local gigs (such as Frankfort Avenue Trolly Hop or Shakespeare in the Park), Gomez loves to teach. He teaches music at St. Aloysius Catholic School and takes on students for private lessons.
Tomorrow, June 4, Joe Gomez’s Guitar Ensemble is going to be performing at The Bards Town. The show will begin with Gomez's students performing pieces they’ve been working on all semester, and then Gomez will take over with his regular band to bring the night home.
The show begins at 6:30 p.m. and is free to the public.