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    Don't tucker yourself out too much with all the art tours and openings going on Friday night, because Saturday is a day of festivals here in Southern Indiana.

    The Sunny Side of Louisville is host to not one, but two festivals this Saturday. (Three if you count Madison Fest). First, we have the awesome-sounding Celts on the River in New Albany. Music, dancing, whiskey-laced ice cream, a debut beer from New Albany Brewing Company, and crafts round out this event. Don't forget to take a backpack; they are collecting them for the charity, Blessings in a Backpack. 

    And as if that weren't enough, about 7 miles down the river is the Jeffersonville Entire Family Festival. The festival advertises children's games, pony rides, inflatables, hot dogs & ice cream, historic photos, art, music, and...interactive rock carving?

    I might have to go just to see what the heck this is. How does one make rock carving interactive? Are these special rocks that carry on a conversation with you as you work? Do they battle to carve you as you attempt to carve them? 

    So we have two festivals, each on or near the Ohio River, less than ten miles apart from one another. Both targeted toward families, and timed with enough overlap that one could easily attend both. 

    You know what would be awesome? Making a day of it. Go to Jeff Fest, ride a pony, commune with some rocks, then hop on our bikes and head out onto the Ohio River Greenway, gleefully pedaling on over to New Albany to party the night away all Celtic-style. Except that won't work, because the greenway isn't finished. 


    I guess we'll be taking our cars.


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    About Angie Andriot

    I'm a sociologist. Mind if I watch?

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