I didn't think it was possible for the Celts on the River festival to get any cooler. I am a huge sucker for celtic music. It makes white people feel ethnic. There's something about the combination of drums, flutes, and fiddles that makes even the most melanin deprived move their feet.
This year they're hosting a special exhibit on Wild Irish Women. You can also pet tamed Irish Wolfhounds and shop from imported Irish vendors while listening to Irish music. If only they could combine all those things into one. Imagine an Irish Werewolf songstress who wore a keg of Guinness around her neck in case of emergencies roving the premises.
They can't make this fantasy come true, but this very morning I received notice they're making up for it with an awesome consolation prize: mint chocolate chip ice cream cones laced with Irish Whiskey. Sit down you Bourbon snobs. Every now and then some of us also enjoy some Tullamore Dew.
Eat plenty of fiber for breakfast, because other than the boozy ice cream of delicious goodness, you can get fish and chips, scotch eggs, and arterial blockage. To wash it down, The New Albanian is serving a new "Celtic Red" beer. Rumor has it there might be complimentary Irish Whiskey samplings for the 21 and over set as well.
Best of all - it's free.
Don't worry about your car being eaten by the bridge monsters this weekend. Be brave. Be daring. Think of the Irish Pirate Queen Grace O'Malley as you boldly soar across the second street bridge in your Ford. Okay, maybe not. It's still a great weekend to cross the river for a laid back day at the New Albany Ampitheater. The festival lasts from 2-10 pm. Slainte!