As any college student with a car knows, it can be tough to find a parking space when you’re rushed. But those at Bellarmine University who skip the parking lot option—or truly can’t find a spot—have inflamed nearby residents who now find their own parking situation compromised.
Some residents of the west end of the 1800 block of Princeton Drive are upset that the overflow from student-, faculty- and staff-driven vehicles is keeping them from parking near their own homes. (As with many Highlands residences, not all have garages.)
“You can't tell people they can't park on a public street,” says Terra Long, legislative assistant to Councilman Tom Owen (8th District), “so Bellarmine is trying to reiterate to staff, part-time workers and students to please park on [university] property. They’re going to do as much as possible as a public plea.”
Even though a new on-campus parking area with room for 280 vehicles will be completed in March, there are no guarantees students will use it. “If a building is close, you can’t make a student or faculty member park in a lot,” says Long. Bellarmine has its own police force, which can cite illegally parked vehicles parked on campus—but not off. “They can go down through there and take down plates—which would be very time consuming—but as far as writing a ticket, they can't. They’d have to call Louisville Metro Police.”
Another option, permit parking for residents, would likely never come to fruition, says Long. “It’s a huge undertaking.” The process, she explains, involves a vote, and would be restrictive for the residents—who’d have to pay to have their own spaces—as well as the Bellarmine commuters looking for parking; plus, there would be the additional expense of enforcement.
“I don't think you'll ever alleviate all of it.”
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Contact the author at leecopywriting@gmail.com or www.leecopywriting.com.
Photo: Flickr/aldrin_muya