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    CAKE will be playing at 5:45pm on the West Stage this Saturday July 10th at the Forecastle Festival 2010 in Louisville, KY. Although CAKE's music is often classified as alternative rock or indie rock, it combines multiple musical genres, such as funk, rockability, pop, jazz, and rap.

    In 1996, CAKE released their album "Fashion Nugget" which housed what are still their most recognizable songs today; "The Distance", "Race Car Ya-Yas", and "Frank Sinatra". They continued to follow up with melodic and interesting songs like "Short skirt/Long Jacket" (don't miss the video below).

    CAKE is a perfect fit for the Forecastle Festival which boasts music, art and activism. On the front page of Cake's website they list the 61 "No" votes to preserve "too big to fail". Not only do they list the senator's name, but the amount of money they have made from finance in their career. A notable shout-out to Senator Mitch McConnell (Republican - Kentucky) with a the dollar amount of $5,247,103.00...yikes!

    If you don't have your tickets get them now and don't miss CAKE on Saturday on the West Stage at 5:45pm.

    Photo courtesy of CAKE's Facebook page

    Maggie moved to Louisville from Buffalo, NY in Dec. 2009. She has also lived in London, Chicago, and Louisiana.  Find out more about her business Weekend Wedding Warrior, LLC and her private counseling practice.

    Maggie Heely's picture

    About Maggie Heely

    Maggie is the owner of Weekend Wedding Warrior, LLC specializing in Wedding Day Coordination. She is also a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a private practice in St. Matthews. She moved to Louisville from Buffalo, NY in December 2009. She's lived in NY, Chicago, London, and Louisiana before coming to Louisville.

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