The Kentucky Science Center is partnering with the Yum! Foundation for the first annual Boys and Girls Club “Finding Their Inner Science Superstar” Half-Day Science Week. “It is so critical to support our youth and spark their imagination and passion for learning”, states Laura Melillo Barnum, Yum! Brands Foundation Executive Director.
Kentucky Science Center staff and trained volunteers are bringing hands-on interactive concepts directly to the five Boys and Girls Clubs of Kentuckiana, where they will facilitate science related workshops. The workshops will focus on a variety of topics, from healthy lifestyles to nutrition and sports science. Students will engage in activities such as the Helmet Safety Workshop, Healthy Eating vs. Heart Health Workshop, and Frisbee Spin Art.
Over 300 kids from the Boys and Girls Clubs of Kentuckiana - Newburg, Parkland, Shawnee, Jeffersonville, Ed Endres Boys and Girls Club in New Albany are participating.Science Week focuses on healthy lifestyles and healthy eating as well as sports science and the science behind all three.
“Boys & Girls Clubs are magnificent places and provide safe and stimulating experiences for children during the year – and especially during the long days of summer,” said Kentucky Science Center Executive Director Joanna Haas. “We are delighted that this collaboration has come together with funding from the Yum! Foundation. This partnership promotes continuous summer learning, inspires children to learn a little more about their bodies and nutritional food choices, and just plain have some fun!”
Science week continues at southern Indiana locations on Thursday and Friday.