It's never too early to start thinking about summer.
It's never too early to start thinking about summer!
Better get those summertime days filled!
Children throughout Louisville got the chance to learn different art forms and to present them in a showcase!
Head to our award winning zoo for the rest of the summer!
Studies show that camps like these prep kids for school.
One Man's Trash...
Registration is open for this fun, educational camp for your kids, and it’s completely free!
Explore the different summer camps offered at the Parklands.
Check out kids’ art camps, gallery shows, and more in the arts community from now until July 31.
The Speed Art Museum will be zooming around the city this summer bringing your kids quality art programs.
If you’re always looking for a fun summer camp for the kids, look no further than Enchanted Arts, located at Mellwood Arts and Entertainment Center.
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