The lives of three women authors are explored in the Finnigan Productions show Bronte, which will open this weekend.
Performances of Bronte will take place on Jan. 28, 29, Feb. 4, and 5 at 7:30 p.m. each night. All shows will go on at the Rudyard Kipling, located at 422 West Oak Street in the Old Louisville section.
General admission tickets for Bronte are $15 per person. Reservations for the show, as well as dinner, can be made by calling the Rud at 502-636-1311. More information can be found on Finnigan Productions's website.
Bronte tells the story of three women who became well-known authors despite issues surrounding them. Setbacks included being unschooled, living with a family in disaray, and living among a society that downplayed the women's role.
The Bronte cast includes George R. Bailey, Abby Braune, Elizabeth Cox, Sarah East, Joe Hatfield, and Eric Welch, and Natalie Fields. Fields also directed the Polly Teale-created production.
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(Image from Finnigan Productions)