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    Oh Craigslist. You are weird, you are wacky, and you are wonderful. Here are some of the more interesting posts from Craigslist posters in the Louisville area this past week. Enjoy!

    The knight in shining armor...

    Better known as the Cracker Barrel manager. "Thank you for inadvertently helping me cut loose a crazy, cling-on, douche nozzle, 53-year-old with no teeth, 10,000 kids and a criminal background." Employee of the month. Give this man a raise.

    Yo Quiero, Taco Bell.

    This Craigslist poster is selling seven plush Taco Bell Chihuahuas for only $25. Yes, you read that right. Seven. Fun fact: The Taco Bell dog, Gidget, passed away in 2009. RIP Gidget, you little chalupa.

    Oh, Andrea.

    You must have a way with words through e-mail. "When a message from you shows up in my inbox at work, I want to let loose and reply by telling you how adorably beautiful you are." Creepy or cute? It's borderline.

    A free ’97 Ford Taurus.

    The man on riding his bike across the hood of the car in the photo is not free, however. Too good to be true.

    A life size M&M display.

    Perfect for use when inviting guests over. "Oh, please indulge yourself with chocolate delicacies given by our butler, the yellow M&M." So elegant.

    Until next week, Louisville!

    Alexis Messmer's picture

    About Alexis Messmer

    2015 University of Louisville graduate. All things social media, marketing, writing, sneakers, photography, music, and a whole lot of coffee.

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