“It will start, I swear to God,” Lisa Frye, Manager and Producer of Va Va Vunderland says eagerly into a microphone on a Sunday afternoon dress rehearsal. The Va Va Vixens, Louisville’s finest burlesque and variety troupe, have turned Headliners Music Hall into one hell of a Wonderland. A voluptuous White Queen is making additions to her elaborate gown, a Jub Jub Bird perfects a couple of dance routines and a White Rabbit gets her ears. There’s a general excitement in the air mixed with tutus, leather and sparkly undercarriage.
Va Va Vunderland is the seventh valentine’s show for the Vixens. This year they've "spiced things up more than normal," according to FiFi LaFemme, a Vixen playing the White Queen. The show is an original piece written with the traditional Alice in Wonderland storyline in mind, but with Vixen flair. “Our version has Alice, as well as, Malice,” says Frye, “In Vunderland the Mad Hatter is pitting the White Queen and Red Queen against one another. There is love between the White Guard and the Jub Jub Bird, a Mad Tea Party full of debauchery, adorable Tweedles, a White Rabbit that will make you swoon, a moving solo by Alice and all kinds of unexpected surprises!”
Midway through the run through of the first act a hoop lowers from the ceiling and the Cheshire Cat clad in a deep v-neck one piece prowls out on to stage and gracefully jumps onto the metal hoop. The room falls silent as she twirls, spins, and bends. “That was f*cking awesome,” Frye says after the aerobatic routine is finished. Frye is right, but the sly cat’s act is just the beginning of the trip down the rabbit hole. You’ll have to venture further to experience all the sexiness, laughs and mind-blowing talent. The Vixens have gone over the top this year with costumes, make-up and acrobatics. This is one Valentine's extravaganza you don't want to miss.
Va Va Vunderland is open at Headliners Music Hall and runs through the first three weekends in February.
Images: Kelli Goings