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    Peaceniks on a college campus—imagine that! Still, the efforts of your parents’ collegiate peace marches have not been forgotten, as the University of Louisville celebrates World Peace Day (also known as the United Nations International Day of Peace) tomorrow, Wednesday, September 21.

    The Belknap Campus will host an all-day (10 a.m. to 10 p.m.) slate of activities, including a 10:50 a.m. drum-circle march from the School of Music to the Ekstrom Library and a discussion of the Louisville-based Peace Postcards public art project at 3 p.m. The free, public showcase of peace, justice and sustainability initiatives are intended to inform people about community and campus groups devoted to peace and about ongoing efforts to develop peace studies-related academic programs at UofL.

    The first United Nations International Day of Peace was in 1981.

    The events are free and open to the public, with most concentrated around Ekstrom Library and the Quadrangle. For more information, contact Russ Vandenbroucke at 852-8448 or

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    Photo: Flickr/raymaclean

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