On the first day of...Derby?!? The Bard's Town presents a celebration with theatre, comedy, and performances during The 12 Days of Derby, beginning today.
Each night, for 12 days leading up to and including Derby day, The Bard's Town will present a slew of comedy, theatre, and performances. Most of it Derby-related, others...just plain funny to watch.
Among the performances include: the Opening Ceremonies with the lighting of the Derby Tree (April 24, 7 p.m.), Le Petomane performing "A Derby Carol" (multiple times and dates), the Sassafras Dance Company (April 27, 9:30 p.m.), and the 22nd Annual Wing Ding (May 3, 5 p.m.).
Multiple comedy groups will also perform during the 12 days, including Damaged Goods, Project Improv, The Young, Dumb, and Full of Comedy Show, and the Prime Time Players Improv..
People can even come in dressed as their favorite celebrity during the Stable Barn Party (May 4, 8 p.m.).
All events are to happen in The Bard's Town, located at 1801 Bardstown Road in the Highlands. A complete schedule of the 12 Days of Derby can be found at The Bard's Town website.
Oh, and most of the events are free and open to the public.
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(Image from The Bard's Town)