Call them brave, or call them crazy, Saturday marks the 15th annual Polar Plunge for Special Olympics. An estimated 1,500 'Polar Bears' will attempt to break the record for most participants, by jumping into the Ohio River.
"The Plunge works just like a walk-a-thon with Polar Bears raising a bear minimum of $75 to take a chilly dip into the Ohio River off the docks near Tumbleweed. Every Polar Bear receives and official Polar Plunge T-shirt and Polar Bear Club Certificate, but participants who raise more money can earn even better rewards. The top male and female fundraisers will be named King and Queen of the Plunge and the top younger fundraisers will be named Prince and Princess" (kentuckyplunge.com)
As always there will also be a costume contest, awarded to the most original, unique or crazy 'Polar Bear'. Individuals as well as groups are eligible for prizes. Best dressed receives the ultimate prize, the most coveted award, being crowned "The Golden Plunger".
If the cold weather, and the thought of jumping into freezing cold, Ohio River water just isn't your thing, join the "Too Chicken to Plunge" club. Once you raise $75 (or $50 for Junior Chickens) you’ll get a special “Too Chicken to Plunge” T-shirt.
For more information, questions, or Plunge schedule, check out their website:
See ya Saturday!