Granted when I say Iron Man today one’s mind will inevitably go in the direction of Saturday’s Derby City Comic Con and the superhero Tony Stark portrayed by Robert Downey Jr., however were inching ever closer to certain deadlines for entrants in the 2011 Ford Ironman competition for Louisville.
Maybe these ironmen don’t have metal suits but good grief have you seen the guys who win these things? I get winded after walking up particularly steep steps, meanwhile these folks are swimming over two miles…ON PURPOSE.
In any case, the race which includes biking, running, and swimming is the Ohio River valley’s leg of the nationwide sporting event which concludes in Hawaii.
Despite the fact that the race’s start date isn’t until August 28th, the final date for entrants to receive any refund or withdrawal from the event is July 21st, and few spots remain open but entrance into the competition will run 575 dollars.
The contest is set for a 7 a.m. start time that late August morning, and will begin at the Water tower concluding at Fourth Street Live.
Louisville’s course features a 2.4 mile swim in the Ohio River, where athletes will start at the Tumbleweed dock there by the Waterfront, the swim will conclude at the Great Lawn. Upon arrival a 112 mile bike trail will greet the competitors.
Finally the athletes will commence a 26.2 mile foot race which concludes at the finish on Fourth Street.
Prior to the race athletes, friends, and family will all gather for a banquet at the Kentucky International Convention Center August 26th at 5:30, the convention center will also host the awards ceremony after the race August 29th at noon. All entrants are invited to these events, however extra tickets have to be purchased for added friends and family.
Image courtesy of the Ironman: Louisville