The St. Matthews Mall opened a new movie theater this summer. The new Cinemark Theater is next to the "Forever 21" and where "Dillards" used to be. The movie theater can not be accessed through the mall, mainly because the hours are different. The mall’s hours are Monday through Saturday from 10:00am-9:00pm and Sunday from 12:00pm-6:00pm. The theater could have a late night movie that could exceed the malls hours.
The Cinemark theater can house over 2,000 people and offers elite movie-viewing opportunities like wall-to-wall, ceiling to ceiling screens, reserved seating, digital showings, and options to see movies in 3D when available. The theater is also wheelchair accessible and listening devices are available for those that need a little extra help to fully enjoy a film.
Another great feature that the Cinemark theater has is a lobby cafe. This special cafe has made-to-order food that you can take to your seats while you see your film. This eatery is a way to not only see a movie, but to hang out and enjoy a meal or drink. I recommend checking out the Cinemark theater when planning on seeing an upcoming movie.