Mamas, take a peek into Mama’s Hip if you haven’t already. The social side of Mama’s Hip is taking off. I have become a pretty active follower of some of the most amazing people that I have never gotten to meet! (Yet.) We have all met online recently, thanks to owner Shannon Stone and her willingness to open up conversations on the Mama’s Hip Facebook page.
One thread that has been running for a couple of weeks is a meet’n’greet type of post. Mamas who have been around a long time with Mama’s Hip and new mamas who are fresh to the mothering world are making introductions and offering up meet-ups with other mamas. It is a very lively and fun online environment! Visit the Mama’s Hip Facebook page and ask to be invited to the regular Mama’s Hip closed group. There are other groups as well for mamas dealing with everything from breastfeeding issues to miscarriages. There is even a group called Mama Swap where mothers are buying, selling, and trading or offering services to one another. I have been so inspired by these conversations recently in my own personal child rearing and have thoroughly enjoyed meeting other mamas and feeling the love and inclusion amongst all of these mamas!
Need some more reasons to love Mama’s Hip or go check out the store and all it has to offer? It’s not enough to call Mama’s Hip a store. The hardwood floors inside the gray house on Bardstown Road are home to tiny feet and mamas' conversations about everything from living a “crunchy” lifestyle including such things as baby wearing, breastfeeding, cosleeping, and cloth diapering. Try a drop-in FREE playgroup one day. They meet regularly most days of the week. My little one and I have been hoping to try the 12-24 month playgroup that meets on Fridays at 11am. The complete schedule of drop-in playgroups and other parenting groups is as follows:
New Mama Group, Mondays 12pm-2pm
Papa Playtime (for dads, uncles, grandads, dudes), Tuesdays, 10am-11:30am
Babies ages 6-12 months, Wednesdays, 12pm-2pm
Working Mama Group, Wednesdays, 5pm-6:30pm
Toddlers ages 12-24 months, Fridays, 11am-1pm
Now through the end of May, I am hosting a free storytime for children ages 1-3. It’s on Wednesdays at 10:30am. In June it will be offered about twice a month on the first Wednesday and on an occasional Saturday. Circle Time Sing Along is starting on Tuesdays, June 4 and 11, 10:30am-11:10am. Some other fun events on Saturdays include:
Family Music Jam, Saturday May 18, 10:30am-11:15am
Toddler Fun! Saturday, May 25 and 10:30-11:15am
Sing and Sign is on Saturdays, June 1 and 8, 9:30-10:15am
Check out tons of other resources mentioned here. The website, Facebook page, and Twitter page offer so much on a day to day basis. You can also access the daily calendar of events on by clicking Calendar at the top of the page. Mama’s Hip is one busy place. Located at 1559 Bardstown Road; 502-384-8805.
Photos courtesy of Mama’s Hip, Facebook