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    • "Sen. Rand Paul had a powerful line of questioning today for Kathleen Hogan, the deputy assistant energy secretary for efficiency. In a hearing about renewing appliance efficiency standards — hint: Rand Paul does not want any — he meandered about regulations for light bulbs, washing machines, and most importantly toilets. Why is Rand Paul forced, assuming he is, to buy useless energy-efficient products, when women aren't forced to carry all of their pregnancies to term?" [Gawker]
    • "The Louisville Metro Council approved a measure Thursday night allowing live entertainment in the western edge of Old Louisville and Limerick. The ordinance needs Mayor Greg Fischer’s approval to be enacted. 'We’re trying to revitalize Old Louisville and this is part of the work we need to do,” Councilman David James, D-District 6, told the council, which approved the ordinance unanimously. James’ district includes Old Louisville.'" [Courier-Journal]
    • "Zenyatta is in foal. The 7-year-old Street Cry mare's pregnancy appeared on an ultrasound scan Thursday morning, 15 days after her mating to Bernardini. Such scans are routine for mares at around two weeks past breeding in order to identify whether the mare is carrying an embryo." [ESPN]

    Photo: Courtesy Rand Paul

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