- Last night's U.S. Senate debate between Republican Jack Conway and Tea Partier Rand Paul got nasty. [Louisville.com]
- "A debate filled with unabashed personal attacks concluded Sunday night with Republican Rand Paul briskly brushing past Democrat Jack Conway, refusing to shake the hand of an opponent who raised questions about his religious beliefs." [Bluegrass Politics]
- "U.S. Senate candidates Rand Paul and Jack Conway both came out swinging on Sunday night in their most contentious and personally bitter debate, with Paul saying Conway had “descended into the gutter” with campaign ads about his past." [Louisville Courier-Journal]
- "This summer, as the state government readied another round of budget cuts, including worker furloughs and Medicaid reductions, Agriculture Commissioner Richie Farmer and three top aides took an eight-day trip to a Caribbean luxury resort that cost taxpayers more than $10,000, according to a review of state travel records." [Bluegrass Politics]
- "Independent mayoral candidate Jackie Green has dropped out of the mayor’s race and has endorsed Democrat Greg Fischer." [WFPL]
- And Green's Twitter manager was none too happy about it. [LEO Weekly]
Photo: Flickr/d.a.n.n.y.c