Think back to those times when, as a kid, you’d finally wear down your parents enough that they would buy you that cone of soft serve as big as your face and then cringe as you became a sticky shell of your former self. Delicious ice cream melting faster than your mouth could conquer it, your head protesting as the inevitable brain freeze kicked in and your hands covered in the gooey mess that would ensure that all of the dirt within a 50-foot radius would end up stuck to you.
All of this followed by the greatest sugar rush of your young, innocent life… Only to be sadly cut short by the inevitable crash.
Those were the days.
But, hey, Dairy Kastle (575 Eastern Parkway) is opening for the season on Tuesday, March 3rd, so you can have that all over again. Don’t forget that this legendary walk-up is cash only (some things are meant to be done the old fashioned way), and grab yourself a chili dog and some sweet, sweet soft serve.
Oh, and bring the kids, too.
Photo: Michelle Eigenheer