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    Crossing the Ninth Street Divide: The Louisville Magazine Relaunch Party
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    Earlier this month, Louisville Magazine launched their March 2013 “Top Lawyers” issue, featuring a series of stories about the city’s oft-ignored West End, composed by nine neighborhoods: Portland, Parkland, California, Park DuValle, Chickasaw, Park Hill, Algonquin, Russell and Shawnee. Louisville Magazine publisher and owner Dan Crutcher wanted to the shine the spotlight upon the predominately black region behind the Ninth Street Demarcation Boundary in the hope that the readership – consisting mostly of those east of downtown – would gain a “broader and deeper understanding of the West End and the challenges the area faces.” In turn, Crutcher & Co. also hope to encourage a dialogue among the city as a whole about what Louisville – whose goal is to ultimately be considered “world-class” – can do to “improve the social and economic lives of [the city’s] neighbors who live in west Louisville.”

    Since the launch, the magazine’s focus on the West End has caught the attention of local media, with editor Kane Webb and staff writer Josh Moss appearing last Friday on WFPL’s “Byline” to talk about the publication’s in-depth exploration of the nine neighborhoods that make up the monolithic West End.

    As such, the publication has decided to “relaunch” this month’s issue next Thursday at the Louisville Central Community Centers' Old Walnut Street development, located at 1300 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd.

    The two-hour event, lasting from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., will have many of the subjects interviewed in the stories that make up the bulk of the March 2013 issue, along with West Louisville civic leaders. All of Louisville Magazine’s readership, the publication’s Facebook fans, and friends are welcome to come across the Ninth Street Demarcation Boundary for this special event.

    For more information and questions regarding the relaunch party, please call 502-625-0100 ext. 17, or via email at You can also follow Louisville Magazine on their Facebook page for more information as it develops.

    Photo: Mickie Winters/Louisville Magazine.

    Cameron Aubernon's picture

    About Cameron Aubernon

    Former fashion writer for Born in Louisville. Raised in Kansas. Where I lay my head is home.

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