Kane Webb, Josh Moss, and Chainsaw talk with new staff writer (and new mom) Anne Marshall.
Kane Webb, Josh Moss, and Chainsaw talk with Forecastle founder JK McKnight.
Kane Webb, Josh Moss, and Chainsaw talk with WFPL political editor and west Louisville resident Phillip Bailey about the magazine's cover story.
A special "relaunch" of Louisville Magazine's March 2013 issue about the oft-ignored West End will occur next Thursday at the Old Walnut Street development. What follows is a brief summary behind the publication's in-depth look at the nine neighbhoods behind the Ninth Street Demarcation Boundary, and what to expect at the relaunch event.
Louisville.com turf writers Jessie Oswald and Tony Singleton and Louisville Magazine editor Kane Webb share their thoughts on Kentucky Derby 138.
Insider analysis of Rousing Sermon
Insider analysis on Trinniberg
Insider analysis on I'll Have Another
Insider analysis on Sabercat
Insider analysis on Daddy Long Legs
… and still owns the rights to it. Seriously. Those copycats at the NCAA didn’t coin everything with their made-for-television hoopla, their Final Fours and Elite Eights.
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