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    Saturday from Taylorsville Road to Lexington Road, merchants will pop open their doors and invite the city in for an evening of shopping, dining, discounts, and more for Bardstown Road AGLOW, a twenty four year tradition.

    Evidently, Santa has traded in his sleigh for "The Pool Party Express" and will be cruising up and down the road with elves in tow. A planned stop at the Bearnos in the Highlands at 6pm allows for the kiddos to get their pictures snapped. Proceeds from the "Highlands Winter Wonderland" benefit the wonderful Gilda's Club of Louisville

    For the older kids, Four Roses Bourbon will host tastings at locations up and down the street and BBC Beer will be featured in many bars and restaurants.

    Scope out more information on Bardstown Road Aglow at

    If you're planning on going, perhaps you could take advantage of the Louisville Independent Business Alliance Holiday Passport Contest while you're out.

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