Nobody is taking opposing corners tonight. With the annual Kentucky Interfaith Power and Light’s Awards Dinner slated for 6:30pm, former pastor and author, Michael Dowd, will present “Beyond Sustainability: A Realistically Inspiring Vision”.
Extend the holiday season and increase your cultural knowledge at the Once Upon a Holiday exhibit at the Muhammad Ali Center now through January 6, 2013.
How a local instructor is using yoga as a means to fulfill her spiritual calling.
The Mighty Kindness Earth Day Hootenanny will feature music, family fun, free arts and activism booths and more on April 22 and is free to attend.
‘Spirituality in the City’ this weekend
Matrix: A Place of Change will offer a workshop in palm reading on Saturday, July 16, 2011.
Free concert showcases black spiritual music performances
Christian and Muslim traditions to be explored in panel discussion
Video: Troubadours of Divine Bliss playing at the Mighty Kindness Festival which they host bi-annually to inspire more "unity" in community with music, artists, workshops in yoga, massage, environmental awareness.
You’ve no doubt heard about the big change that many people think will happen in 2012. Although there’s no definitive evidence that cataclysm will occur, people of all faiths believe that the world is changing at an accelerated speed as of late. Here's how you can grab on a bit more tightly.
Feeling out of whack? Your chakras may be out of balance. Here’s how to get them cleared and ready for the rest of the week.
Interested in meditation? Wanting to try a new way of mindfulness? The Passionist Earth and Spirit Center offers two courses beginning in February.