Or the perfect fascinator!
How not to break the bank when dressing for Derby.
"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different."- Coco Chanel
See our photos from the Longines Kentucky Oaks Fashion show!
Sunday afternoon, Miss America 2000 Heather French Henry and milliner Gabriel Amar teamed up at the former's showroom in the Highlands for a Derby hat party benefiting WHAS Crusade for Children.
Les Filles Louisville held its first trunk show Friday, featuring designs by Chicago fashion designer Lauren Lein of Lauren Lein Ltd. Learn more about the fashion house, their collaboration with the latest iteration of Les Filles, and how everything came together in the burgeoning South Fourth District.
In a preview of what is to come for the South Fourth District in downtown Louisville, Les Filles Louisville and Chicago-based fashion designer Lauren Lein of Lauren Lein, Ltd. will host a trunk show at the new boutique Friday, featuring custom looks for Derby and Oaks.
For four hours Friday morning, slices of Derby fashion were served alongside scrambled eggs, muffins and juice at the inaugural Derby Hat Fashion Breakfast, benefiting the Victoria's Hope Fund.
Be smitten with your Crush on Derby at The Summit of Derby style with Crush Boutique's pop-up store at the East End shopping center from April through the end of Derby, and see what the Middletown boutique has in store for those seeking a one-of-a-kind ensemble for the pagentry and debauchery of Kentucky Derby 139.
If you find that your V Burger has slices of Derby hat under the V-12 Sauce, that's no accident. Beginning this Wednesday evening through Derby, Varanese and The Secret Boutique will co-host the fifth annual Hats on the Avenue series of fashion shows, featuring looks from the boutique alongside half-price bottles of wine and live music.