Get into the Halloween spirit with this spooky, comical play!
Louisville actor John Wells continues to land roles across the country, be a wonderful father and provide fitness training despite a condition that could have had him in a wheelchair.
A local theatre group is strengthening community by focusing on community.
Louisvillian John Wells used to find ways to skip out on gym class because of his bodily insecurities- now he's a model and rising actor with a career that is inspiring.
As cold as it has been, the reality is that summer is just around the corner. Give the little thespians in your life the gift of drama this summer with StageOne's DramaWorks Camp for kids.
Actors, aspiring or experienced, are encouraged to make an appointment, display their skill, and possibly get a chance to tread the boards this summer.
VSM Entertainment's email newsletter has notified readers that Michael Breeding Media is looking for a paid TV travel show host and another project is looking for a young male ages 11 - 16.
Company spotlight: Lentz Promotions
VSM entertainment is looking for a Vanessa Hessler look alike to stand in as a double on an international television series, which is shooting for three days in Louisville, Ky.
Doug Schutte is founder and co-owner of The Bard's Town restaurant/theater/lounge, which opened last fall in the Highlands.
UofL grad students present vignettes tomorrow night
Ben Wood was once known as "The Outlaw" in local and regional wrestling but is now making his way through the local and regional film scenes.
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