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    Meister Productions is a film production company that began out of
    necessity. Southern Indiana filmmaker Ray Cart began as a writer before
    taking an interest in film. He would  toss around ideas with friends
    for movies and then  began to convert those into treatments and rough
    drafts. After completing his first screenplay The Contractors and
    entering it into various screenplay contests to no avail, he decided  to
    shoot the film himself.


    took me three years and two failed films to learn how film production
    works," says Cart.   Don’t get me wrong, if you want to learn how to
    make a movie,  do what I did. Write a script, buy a camera, and shoot a
    film. Just be prepared to suffer and go broke. Your first film will
    suck. If you’re lucky your second film won’t suck so bad. By the time
    you get to the third film - you’ve figured out what you did wrong before
    and how not to do it again."

    Cart is now filming his third film titled Queens of the Dead, which is a
    zombie comedy. Cart says that approximately  400+ zombie movies are
    made every year. Out of all of those, he believes that maybe two  have
    some original premise or story line, but he believes this one is
    original. He goes on to say  that anyone that loves zombie movies will
    be rolling with laughter. He says he got to work with an extremely
    talented  cast; “ Josh Kroll, Justin Heim, Benjamin Wood and Heather
    Maffet are all terrific.”

    chooses to continue to remain an Indiana filmmaker. He believes that
    the Kentuckiana area has a great independent film scene.  One of the
    reasons for this is how supportive New Albany has been. There are a
    number of small independent film production groups in Louisville  and
    Southern Indiana making short and feature length films  including
    Feathered Italian Films, Dogged Dream Creations, and Just In Time Films.
    Many people do not realize that Jefferson Community College offers a
    certificate program in video making.

    feels he owes a debt of gratitude to his wife, Jennifer, who " suffers
    almost  as much for his art as he does”. He also relies heavily on his
    crew members, which  include his partner Jack Bobo and Louisville Fx
    Artist Jesse Meyer.  Marion Ballard helps with computer  animations,
    while Ken Kravens was the cinematographer and editor.  Mike Reed scores
    the music for all of Cart's films.  

    I honestly think that indie films are the only real venue left for
    original movies, that are not remakes, or rewrites, or sequels. Sorry
    folks, there won’t be a Queens of the Dead 2. But don’t worry, I’ve got 4
    more zombie scripts just waiting their turn. "

    Cinematography isn't quite finished with this film  yet. He still needs about 300
    zombies for scenes to be shot on Sunday, September 19.  Cart's need for
    zombies slides in right on time for the release of my latest music
    video, Dead World.  The release of my video will be celebrated with a
    zombie party on Thursday, September 16  at Steinert's Pub and Grill in
    New Albany,   and Cart will be on hand  to sign up interested parties
    for Sunday's shoot.

    is encouraged to come as zombies, hunters or victims  on the 16th and
    there will be a prize for the best costume in each category.  

    Make up
    artists will be on hand from 4 - 7 pm for anyone who needs help ($10 per
    person). The release party is free to attend  and will begin at 7:30 pm
    with a screening of the video for an all ages crowd with some prize
    give aways.  At promptly 8:30,   all zombies, hunters and victims will
    do a "zombie walk" around the neighborhood surrounding Steinerts.

    everyone makes it back to Steinert's, a 21 plus show  will begin. The
    night will be full with music by OK Zombie, comedy by Chris Crowder ,
    performances by an array of guests, another screening of Dead World, and
    numerous prizes and giveaways.  Psychomania Haunted House will also be
    in attendance with their automated hearse simulator.

    Haunted House is in an old movie theater in Clarksville (in the parking
    lot of the Green Tree Mall). They are open from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m,
    September 24 through October 31.  More information can be found at


    Photo: Ray Cart and Adrielle Perkins during  a shoot in 2009. Photo Courtesy of Ray Cart

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    About Jessica Lynn

    Jessica Lynn has been writing for since fall of 2010 and has also been published in LEO, Velocity, Voice-Tribune and others after serving as Editor in Chief of The JCC student newspaper, The Quadrangle. She has also served as columnist or contributing writer to an array of online publications.

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