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    Adam Steckler, 33, is the manager at Harvey’s Cheese, a specialty cheese shop in the newly opened Logan Street Market in the Germantown-Shelby Park area.


    What’s a local restaurant people would be surprised to know you’ve never tried?

    “Jack Fry’s.”


    What’d you eat for breakfast today?

    “Lavender-lemonade doughnut from Full Stop.”


    What’d you eat for dinner last night?

    “Hilltop Tavern black-bean burger.”


    What’s in your freezer right now?

    “Ice, tequila, deer meat.”


    What Louisville dish have you eaten more than any other?

    “Lima beans from Mayan Cafe.”


    What closed Louisville restaurant do you miss the most?

    “Annie’s Cafe and Cafe Mimosa.”


    What’s on your weekly grocery list? 

    “Kale, smoked gouda, LaCroix.”


    Favorite cereal? 

    “I’d rather have grits and eggs. It’s not nearly as fast, but it certainly sets a better tone for the rest of the day.”


    Go open your refrigerator. What’s the first thing you see? 

    “Tasty Joy hot mustard.”


    If you were a vegetable, what would you be? 

    “Brussels sprouts. There are a million different versions and they’re almost all awesome. Except for frozen. Yuck!”


    If you were a fruit, what would you be? 

    “Blood orange: a little bitter but pretty fabulous.”


    Favorite snack? 

    “Chile-lime peanuts.”


    What dish do you make at home most often? 

    “Garam masala meatballs, gluten-free.”


    Last drink you had?

    “Phocus caffeinated sparkling water — yuzu lime flavor is king. If you’re talking alcoholic, probably Bon & Viv lemon-lime seltzer.”


    What cures your hangover? 

    “Gatorade, time, and silence.”


    This originally appeared in the November 2019 issue of Louisville Magazine. To subscribe to Louisville Magazineclick here. To find us on newsstands, click here.

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