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    Oh Craigslist. You are weird, you are wacky, and you are wonderful. Here are some of the more interesting posts from Craigslist posters in the Louisville area this past week. Enjoy!

    Kentucky Colonel picture.

    Nothing says you live in Kentucky like this debonair photo of the man, the myth; the colonel. "The food I've liked in my time is American country cookin'."

    Dancing Senorita cologne.

    So, this is a strange one. Men's cologne in the shape of dancing senoritas. "Call Jerry" is the contact information. OHHHHHHkay.

    She wasn't ready.

    [Say that in your best Kevin Hart impression.] So, this is a tale of two people who fell madly in love, over a game of World of Warcraft. "It would be bittersweet, but maybe we can reconnect? I'm ready for that spontaneity you so often spoke of." Ahh, love.

    Lyndon neighbors.

    So, this is a slightly similiar to the Taylor Swift "You Belong With Me" video. Except it involves Lyndon, KY lovers and Craigslist missed connections. "So we live next to each other. I know you have read this! You are watching me now!" Pause. Creepy.

    I miss my office visit girl.

    "You used to come visit me from Southern Indiana. You would come into my office and we had magical passionate time." LOLOLOL magical passionate time? What, a lunch break? Were they Hawaiian bread?

    Until next week, Louisville! 

    Image: Craigslist

    Alexis Messmer's picture

    About Alexis Messmer

    2015 University of Louisville graduate. All things social media, marketing, writing, sneakers, photography, music, and a whole lot of coffee.

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